a unique offer for internal OD Practitioners
WHAT’S GOING ON? is an online applied learning initiative for intrepid internal Organisation Development Practitioners & Change Leads in these turbulent times.
Applications are now closed for What’s Going On? The volume and content of applications has been outstanding. As the project progresses, this page will be updated, but for now, if you would like to keep in touch about What’s Going On?, please click on the button below and we will be in touch.
“There is a palpable tension between the realities of today and the possibilities of tomorrow.” Source: Sustainable Frontiers: Unlocking Change Through Business, Leadership and Innovation.
Throughout May and June, we asked for invitations from interested leaders to join a series of facilitated inquiry sessions over a sustained period to help resource and sustain you whilst you make sense of this ever-changing landscape. These sessions are intended to provide a safe space to step back and take a breath with a group of committed peers to consider ‘what’s really going on?’ in your practice, your organisation, the wider system. It will offer a chance to deepen your questions, make meaning and experiment with new insights and ideas to apply back in your organisation.
Right now, virtual meetings may seem like the last thing you want to add to your diary, but we anticipate that by the time WHAT’S GOING ON? begins in October 2021, we will all be managing a much more healthy balance of face to face and virtual, and it will provide a welcome space for like-hearted practitioners and leaders with exciting diversity and difference in approaches and practice to meet and learn together.
WHAT’S GOING ON? is facilitated by Nick Ellerby and Liz Goold
You’ll find full information and dates in the flyer that can be downloaded in the button below. Any questions, please email us or you can ring us on 01937 541700.
If you would like to talk to Nick or Liz, or if you have any questions you would like to ask us about What’s Going On?, please email us by clicking on the button below.
For terms & conditions for WHAT’S GOING ON? see HERE
Emerging questions & issues
We share experience and networks across a number of sectors. Questions are emerging as we reconnect with our colleagues and the challenges and opportunities that surround us all. We are all seeking to make sense of what’s going on and shape approaches to meet what is needed and will be needed.
Below is a flavour of some of the issues that we hear OD practitioners and leaders noticing and giving attention to in their various settings. They may resonate with what’s happening where you are or catalyse your own thinking about what is emerging as important to you and your organisation. These are evolving and we will continue to add to them. In the initial sessions we will generate our core questions and discover how our energy and commitment shapes what we most need to explore and address.
Virtual working, blended or hybrid worlds and cultural implications - creating spaces and conditions for deeper dialogue and trust
How to create virtual learning spaces that integrate head, heart and hand?
Social divide of home working vs site or office based
Increasing speed of shifting attitudes to work/choices and preferences of re-emergence
The call for stronger engagement with equity, diversity and inclusion
Working with diversity at the core – What's my leadership stance? What does this mean for my practice?
Working with unconscious bias and blind spots of individual, institutional and collective pasts- what’s my/our work to do?
Long COVID and implications
Mental health
Finding a different rhythm, rest and pace in navigating a post-COVID world
What’s our planetary responsibility and how do we integrate this into the pressing concerns and implications of the COVID pandemic- rather than stand alone?
How to find ways of seeing and hearing our organisational patterns and cultures afresh through this time of COVID
Increasing awareness of trans-contextual relationships – the nature of meshing, working across boundaries and networks/movement building as critical to collective change
How to stay open to new ideas from other contexts/sectors, rather than become too inward looking and stuck in our own echo chamber
Moving from ego to eco thinking? What does this mean in practice?
Need for space for creativity and collaboration in conflict with busyness
Stepping into the strategic space and inhabiting my leadership rather than being seen as a ‘pair of hands’ or deliverer of programmes
How might OD go beyond organisational boundaries- what is needed in the civic space?
Stress testing of relationships, polarised positions with conflict going underground-
Embrace reality and what is really essential, rather than avoiding or denying it?
How to draw on multiple perspectives and connect the system to more of itself – who’s in, who’s out?
Managing my workload when my OD role feels like a side hustle
General sense of fatigue and being fed up with the old but not the space to re-imagine what could be. What does this mean for reflective practice?
Creating space and time to integrate/follow-through on experiments, prototypes
How to manage oneself in sustained and uncertain change? Finding our still centre in the turmoil
“When we are dealing with complex situations and there are many voices, many melody lines, perhaps our work is to try to be the still centre that hears what is going on, and makes the minimum most effective intervention, rather than thrashing around on the drum kit driven by anxiety or ego”
From re-sounding- an alternative metaphor for organisational change, Rick Spann and Simon Martin Taos Institute 2021.”