Strategic Leaders
It is likely that you’re having to do a serious amount of adapting to respond to the needs of your organisation, your teams and yourself. We are all learning together what it takes to show up as a real leader in these difficult circumstances.
Whether you find yourself responding to the here and now in the ever changing landscape or preparing for reintegration, or even re-imagining a new future, Oasis is here, as a critical and supportive friend to help you make meaning.
What will help?
Space and time for you and your team - to stay connected and to make sense of what is happening – we can help with this and are already doing so with organisations like yours across the UK. Please contact us
Inspiration and know how: we have access to a wonderful network of thought leaders, who, through webinars and online workshops, can support you in responding to what’s needed now and for re-imagining the future. Please talk to us
Contact with like and differently minded leaders: the CEO gathering: a regular, virtual gathering of CEOs looking to share learning, challenge each other and find ways of navigating new territory. Please get in touch
Learn what others are doing: RAW partners network Forum: a fortnightly virtual zoom call for all organisations who are members of the RAW Network to share learning about responding to coronavirus #COVID19 at an organisational level, whilst still maintaining positive employee wellbeing. Please email Lise
Support for you and your senior team -Strategic Leader Executive Coaching: 1 -1 executive coaching for CEOs, heads of departments and strategic leaders, offering support to make sense of, and adapt to, the ever-changing landscape in front of you. Please contact us
Find a critical/supportive friend: we call this a Speaking partner - this kind of help provides a space to share relevant and applied resources, bounce ideas around, and to find a truly helpful sounding board. Please talk to us
We’d love to support you, and If something you need isn’t listed here, please contact us, as most likely it is something we can create with you. Email us or phone 01937 541700