Climate emergency and civilisation collapse are real.
Scroll down for evidence and research, who inspires us and how to get involved
The hard truth of what lies ahead. We cannot navigate the chaos that’s coming unless we have the courage to face directly into it…read more HERE
or... b) WE'VE GOT THIS
A better future is already here. Across the world ordinary people are doing extraordinary things to build a more regenerative world…read more HERE
At Oasis we have nearly four decades experience in working with organisations and individuals to support transformational change. We are committed to using this experience and our community of practitioners to support you to face into the possibility of systemic collapse and work out how you can become a regenerative force in the world. Here are some first steps we could support you with:
1. Being Part of the Solution (for businesses) – workshop with your sustainability professionals to take a radical view on how you can become a regenerative force in the world.
2. Leadership in the Age of Uncertainty – a keynote address by Oasis Associate Chris Taylor, lead researcher for Navigating the Unimaginable. How do we lead ourselves and others in times of turbulence? What qualities are needed and what path do we follow?
3. Be The Change – workshop for community groups and organisations to identify the positive impact you want to have in the world. Focussed on building community resilience and cohesion.
4. Regenerative Learning (for education establishments) – how can you incorporate regenerative approaches into the way you teach? How can your curriculum better reflect the need for sustainability and regeneration? We have been delivering whole person learning opportunities up to Masters level for over a decade.
5. One-to-One – working alongside change-makers to explore your role, strengths and areas of focus. How do you build networks and relationships to increase impact?
And CONTACT US if you would like to know more or get involved.
Evidence & research
The evidence for climate emergency and civilisation collapse is staring us in the face. It’s visual, audible and an incredibly poweful reminder of what we need to, and should face into every day. The five papers below offer some evidence based research, background information and statistics for consideration, as well as two introductory papers. Read on, and contact us if you would like to be involved. evidence for climate emld like to be involved.
Now’s the time to choose. The future of humanity depends on how we act at this point. It is the choice between extinction and survival, between a dystopian future and a world of thriving life. It’s all, literally, in our hands. Right now. If you feel ready to face into these choices, read on. There is much to consider. Once you start on this journey there is no going back.
We are facing a global crisis unlike any before. The data on climate, ecology and economy tells us as much. The feeling in our gut confirms something potentially catastrophic is looming. But does this mean Collapse–the end of civilisation as we know it? Might it even mean human extinction? Could we ride it out? Can we turn things around before it’s too late?
Is humanity stuck in denial about the state of the world? Some are angry and active but most are uncertain how to have any real impact. How do we move from shock into action? What do we do with our feelings of outrage, upset or distress? There are approaches that are helping people come to terms with an unimaginable future and then to find their sense of agency within change.
How can humanity respond to a situation that is as complex and unsettling as this? What is there to do in the face of the disintegration of everything we have come to depend on? We offer a six point framework for navigating the potential collapse of our civilisation. As a result of our research we have come to the conclusion that there is a way to navigate what’s ahead but it won’t be easy and it won’t be by continuing on a technological, materialistic path. We have come to realise that three things are essential to changing course.
The future we long for is already happening. It’s in the everyday, grass-roots initiatives of marginalised and oppressed peoples around the world. It’s in the emerging movements to care for land and soil, to protect water, sacred sites and the rights of indigenous peoples. And it’s in the efforts of people everywhere to bring back the deepest understandings of their ancestors about living according to Nature’s Law and making this the bedrock for a 21st century civilisation. “The system will not be overthrown. It will be overgrown.” Chris Taylor, The Tao of Revolution.
Get involved
The fate of our world stands on a knife-edge. What we do now will have implications for generations to come. Whether or not we successfully navigate the possibility of social collapse will depend on the actions we all decide to take. Here and now.
What part will you decide to play?
· What do you have in place to build and sustain your resilience?
· What network or community are you part of, for support and mutual aid?
· How adept do you feel at facing radical uncertainty and constant instability?
We are interested in developing programmes for leaders, community organisers and individuals who want to address these questions.
.· How ready are you for global and social shocks?
· How much do you know about how to reduce your ecological and social footprint?
· Would you be willing and able to move towards a truly regenerative role for your organisation?
We are keen to work with organisations in the public, private and third sector that are committed to facing up to these questions.
· What would radical resilience mean to your community?
· What would need to change to enhance your self-reliance?
· How robust are the relationships between different parts of your community?
We are experienced in bringing communities together to share and learn about resilience in the face of chaos.
The following organisations have helped shape this work through their projects, approaches and real-world solutions:
Transition Towns Network Permaculture Association UK International Permaculture Education Network Collapsology Portal
Climate Coaching Alliance Climate Psychology Alliance Deep Adaptation Forum Global Ecovillage Network
Global Citizens Assembly on Climate Change Ecosystem Restoration Camps The Work That Reconnects Berkana Institute
Warriors For The Human Spirit Detroit Black Food Security Network Business Declares The Blue Economy Project Drawdown
The people below have inspired our approach to this work through their writing, ideas and concepts: